Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Enterprise A You Need To Know

3. Coming To... The Enterprise-A

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home Enterprise A
Paramount Pictures

Along with the turboshaft, observation gallery, brig (and toilet), another section of the Enterprise-A featured in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier was the ship's massive shuttlebay.

The shuttlebay of the refit Enterprise was previously depicted in Star Trek: The Motion Picture using a highly detailed matte painting, but Star Trek V director William Shatner opted to have the production build the set practically. Still, Star Trek V was (notoriously) made on a limited budget so the producers had to get creative, recycling much of the USS Enterprise-D sets wholesale for the film and even going to non-Trek sources for their 23rd century hardware.

As the Eddie Murphy comedy Coming to America had recently wrapped production at Paramount Pictures, Star Trek V production designer Herman Zimmerman coopted the large Zamundan Royal Palace set and repurposed it with shuttlebay doors and two full-size shuttlecraft, the Galileo and the Copernicus.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).