Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Q Continuum

6. Q Executions

star trek secrets of the continuum
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Given how opposed the Continuum was to Quinn's suicide, you may he surprised to hear that they have actually executed their own people in the past.

Long ago, two Qs became tired of life in the Continuum and chose to live as Humans on Earth. They conceived a child that they named Amanda Rogers, and raised her as a Human, but, shortly after she was born, her parents were killed by the Continuum with a tornado for continuing to use their powers. This suggests that leaving the Continuum was not what caused their execution, but rather the use of their powers outside of the Continuum's guidance.

When Amanda grew up, she started to notice her powers, and, in the Next Gen episode True Q, she was given a choice between losing these new-found Q abilities, or joining the Continuum. After realising that holding back her powers would prove too difficult, she eventually chose to live as a Q and left her old life as a Human behind.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.