Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Q Continuum

5. Q Weapons

star trek secrets of the continuum
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In the Voyager episode The Q And The Grey, we saw a civil war breaking out in the Continuum, caused by Quinn's death in the episode Death Wish.

In that episode, the two Q factions fought each other with special weapons built by the Continuum. These weapons (which were represented by guns from the American Civil War) were capable of injuring and killing Qs, and were so powerful that using them in the Continuum could generate supernovae in our universe (a phenomenon that Q called 'galactic cross fire').

These Q weapons are interesting because, prior to this episode, it was assumed that all of the powers of the Q came from their own minds. Q weapons showed that the Continuum could invent technology even more mighty than their natural powers, and these weapons could even be wielded by physical beings, like Humans. We already knew from episodes like True Q, that the Continuum was able to execute Qs, and there have been several times when Qs had their powers taken and were made mortal, but this was the first time Humans were shown to be able to kill one of these highly powerful entities at full power.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.