Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The USS Stargazer

6. Because Callbacks

10 Secrets of the USS Stargazer Star Trek Picard

According to set designer Sean Hargreaves, the Stargazer was a group effort, but John Eaves and Doug Drexler were largely responsible for the ultimate look of the ship:

As they say, it takes a village. I just want everyone to get credit where credit is due. It’s only fair. If you like the exterior of the Stargazer, that’s John Eaves through and through, with Doug finessing.

Known for creating exhaustively detailed starships like Star Trek: Enterprise's NX-01, Drexler outfitted the Stargazer with all the necessary 25th century tech: Transporter emitters, phaser strips, tractor beam emitters, and even a shuttlecraft landing pad situated between the ship's two dorsal warp nacelles and feeding back to the rear hangar.

The Stargazer's exterior also possesses "warp field governors" on each side of its primary hull. Not exactly sure what a warp field governor actually is? Well, there's a long, complicated explanation for what that is, but basically, it's an easter egg. It's that blue glowing dome on the back of the refit Enterprise (and other Federation vessels) seen in the TOS movies, visible on the Stargazer on the port and starboard sides of the top of the saucer.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).