Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The USS Stargazer

7. Observation Lounge Observations

10 Secrets of the USS Stargazer Star Trek Picard

Accomplished fan model maker Bill Krause was tasked by Star Trek: Picard's producers with creating physical models of the new Stargazer, the Constellation-class Stargazer, and an earlier, TOS-era Stargazer of Krause's own design. These models were used as set decoration in the interior observation lounge along with artifacts from Treks past including the Stargazer's original dedication plaque from TNG's "The Battle" and a model of Captain Rios' last ship, the La Sirena.

According to production designer Dave Blass, the lounge set was a technological achievement in itself and featured a real view outside the windows:

The custom conference table featured a gigantic integrated OLED screen as well as integrated lighting. The chairs were custom designed to harken back to the Enteprise-E version of the chairs. The highlight of the set is the panoramic view out the back of the ship with giant windows showcasing the aft of the Stargazer.

I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).