Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of USS Voyager You Need To Know

5. Unlimited Limited Supplies

Star Trek Voyager

In the episode "The Cloud", it was established that the USS Voyager only carried a complement of 38 photon torpedoes. Over the course of the first few seasons, the depleting supply of these defensive weapons was a looming issue... until it wasn't and Voyager wound up firing roughly 85 photon torpedoes before returning to Earth in "Endgame".

Similarly, in seven seasons at least 10 shuttlecraft were destroyed and another 15 shuttles depicted as badly damaged or missing. Given the small size of Voyager, where exactly did all these shuttles come from and where were they stored?

Unfortunately there was never an episode that addressed these issues, but we saw numerous instances of the crew trading for food and other resources. We can safely assume that, between episodes, the crew collected enough supplies from various alien planets to replenish the ship's complement of shuttlecraft. Neelix's ship, the Baxial, was apparently stowed somewhere aboard Voyager and, in the episode "Extreme Risk", the crew was able to build the Delta Flyer from scratch, indicating the existence of some kind of shuttle storage and construction facility.

As for the torpedoes, you never know, maybe Neelix hooked Janeway up with a reliable weapons dealer.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).