Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of USS Voyager You Need To Know

6. Voyager Of Borg

Star Trek Voyager

Upon the introduction of the Borg during Star Trek: Voyager's third and fourth seasons, the cybernetic baddies became an integral part of the show and the USS Voyager herself; with Voyager becoming a semi-Borg vessel for the duration of her journey to Earth.

In the episode "Scorpion, Part II", Voyager was partially assimilated, given augmented weapon systems, a series of Borg alcoves in Cargo Bay 2, and numerous other pieces of Borg tech both inside and outside the ship with which to combat Species 8472. After Voyager successfully escaped both the Borg and their fluidic space foes, the crew began the task of removing the Borg components as seen in "The Gift". However, they quickly discovered that certain Borg technology functioned better than the native Starfleet hardware and Captain Janeway ordered the components be left in place.

Later, in "Year of Hell", Seven of Nine and Harry Kim constructed a new astrometric lab utilizing Borg sensor technology and, in "Extreme Risk", Tom Paris and the crew built the Delta Flyer to incorporate even more green-glowing Borg gear. While B'Elanna Torres described this added cybernetic technology as "Borg garbage", it was apparently useful garbage for getting the crew home.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).