Star Trek: 10 Starfleet Officers Who Betrayed The Federation

1. Admiral Cartwright

Star Trek Picard

This Starfleet Admiral was responsible for one of the greatest conspiracies to involve the Federation in its history, one that involved sabotage, deception and murder. That he was an officer of such high standing was truly shocking, even if his intentions may have begun in a place of understanding.

The explosion of the Klingon moon of Praxis set a chain of events in motion. The Klingon homeworld was devastated by the event, which finally caused them to reach out to the Federation. Treaty negotiations began, which would eventually lead to Starfleet and the Empire becoming allies. This began with the Klingon Chancellor, Gorkon.

He was one of the most progressive leaders of Klingon society, though this led to enemies, both within and out of the Empire. Cartwright, with a selection of other officers, were against the treaty completely. Cartwright, for his part, couldn't stand the idea of a former enemy leeching off the resources of the Federation.

A grand plan went into effect. Gorkon was assassinated while his ship was accompanied by the Enterprise-A through Federation space. Kirk and McCoy were used as scapegoats, though thankfully escaped. One of the key traitors, the Vulcan lieutenant Valeris, was exposed on board the ship. Through a forced mind-meld, Cartwright's name was discovered.

In a race against time, the Enterprise and the Excelsior rushed to the planet Khitomer to stop a second assassination attempt, this one against the Federation President. Cartwright was arrested and, though he believed himself to be acting in the Federation's best interests, he was taken away in disgrace.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick