Star Trek: 10 Strangest Space Anomalies You May Have Forgotten

5. Subspace Sinkholes

Dax Worf

In the Voyager episode Gravity, a shuttlecraft carrying Paris, Tuvok, and The Doctor was pulled into an anomaly known as a subspace sinkhole, which deposited them into an enclosed pocket of subspace. The pocket contained a star and several planets, one of which the shuttle crashed on.

Apart from being trapped out of normal space and stranded on an unknown world, the inside of the anomaly also experienced time at an accelerated rate, meaning that for every day that passed on Voyager, the crew of the crashed shuttle experienced about a month.

Eventually Voyager was able to retrieve their lost crewmates by using a multi-spatial probe as a transporter relay. Shortly later, an alien vessel closed the sinkhole, crushing everything inside of it. Apparently, these aliens were responsible for ensuring safe travel through this of space, and closing subspace sinkholes was just a part of their job.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.