Star Trek: 10 Terrible Scenes That Ruined Episodes

1. Seven Becomes An Assassin - Stardust City Rag

Star Trek Stigma Enterprise
CBS Media Ventures

Stardust City Rag is a peculiar episode of Star Trek: Picard. It opens with Icheb's eye being torn from its socket before Seven mercy kills him. We then get Picard's French accent, Juratti killing Maddox, and to top it all off - Seven murders Bjayzl in cold blood.

Typical Star Trek fare.

Seven remarks that she didn't want to spoil Picard's belief in there being mercy left in the universe before she kills Bjayzl for Icheb's death, emphatically letting the audience know this was a darker Trek than years passed. This, when balanced with the generally lighter tone of the episode, made the resulting output that bit messier. 

It was also quite a stark change for Seven of Nine as a character. Here was a familiar Trek alum gone rogue, now a cold-blooded killer, even if the reasons behind that killing were seemingly justified. As with so many other examples on this list, it was a case of too much, too soon, with no time to ruminate. 

Stardust City Rag isn't dreadful, yet this scene is simply too much to add to the mix, making the overall meal that bit less satisfying.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick