Star Trek: 10 Terrible Scenes That Ruined Episodes

4. Two Big Salamanders - Threshold

Star Trek Stigma Enterprise
CBS Media Ventures

We've said it before - Threshold is a very interesting idea that falls apart in the final act. Were it not for the giant salamanders, it could be one of the better episodes in Voyager's early seasons. Robert Duncan McNeill delivers one of his best performances under the make-up, while the homage to Cronenberg-ian films is excellently executed.

But - those giant salamanders.

When Paris escapes from his bio-bed and runs amok, he kidnaps Janeway, steals the shuttle, and both have evolved into these amphibious creatures by the time Voyager tracks them down. It was certainly handy of them to find a planet in the Delta Quadrant to travel to, what with their shuttle having infinite scope in the universe.

The ending is a mess. Any questions on the nature of human evolution, or personal sacrifice in the pursuit of scientific breakthrough, are lost in the waddle of these admittedly impressive models. Perhaps a re-edit could save the story but for now - we're rooting for those phaser blasts hitting their slick hides.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick