Star Trek: 10 Things It Should Learn From Doctor Who

9. Don't Worry About Spin-Off Novels

Coldequations Star Trek is in the same situation now as Doctor Who was following cancellation in 1989. There have been a huge number of spin-off novels written that follow the adventures of the characters after the end of the series under the title of Virgin New Adventures. This too has happened with both Star Trek and Star Wars, and both franchises can learn something from what Doctor Who did when it re-launched. Doctor Who completely disregarded all the novels and made them non-cannon, while simultaneously scouring the novels to see if there were any content worth adapting, which resulted in the Family Of Blood two-part episode, which were some of the most interesting episodes of the entire nu-Who era. Star Trek needs to similarly ignore the spin-offs and go with what works on television, and to also understand the fan reaction to each of the novels. The Typhon Pact was a very good idea and one that would be interesting to show on television, with a threat rivalling the Dominion but the whole Caeliar Gesault is better off being made non-canon as it would be foolish to ditch the Borg entirely.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.