Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Janice Rand

9. Rand And Kirk Were Always Meant To Share An Attraction - But Never Act On It

Star Trek Yeoman Janice Rand Voyager

One of the rules that Gene Roddenberry set out for Rand on the bridge was to be someone who was attractive to, and attracted to, Captain Kirk. However, under no circumstances could they ever act on it - highlighting the fact that despite their own personal feelings, they were both professional members of Starfleet.

In interviews during the first season of Star Trek, Grace Lee Whitney categorically stated that Rand did not go out into the stars to 'find a man', but rather to explore. While much as been said about how the show both did, and didn't, succeed when it came to feminism in the 1960s, there is something to be said for intent.

The closest that Rand and Kirk ever come to actually displaying their emotions physically, and no The Enemy Within certainly doesn't count, only occurs when both of them are under extreme duress, such as when the 'Grup' sickness is advancing in them in Miri, or the Enterprise is under attack in Balance Of Terror.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick