Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Janice Rand

5. She Was Originally Written To Appear In The City On The Edge Of Forever

Star Trek Yeoman Janice Rand Voyager

It has been well-documented that Grace Lee Whitney's time on Star Trek came to a close much earlier than originally intended, at least in The Original Series. She was contracted to appear in seven of the first thirteen episodes, though merely days after a meeting with an executive at Desilu that she refused to name, she was informed that Rand was being written out of the show.

The official reasons given for this included the fear that Captain Kirk was growing too attached to Yeoman Rand, which would then damage the writers' ability to pair him up with alien women. She returned to the set to film her scenes for The Conscience Of The King, a process Whitney found extremely difficult.

She was scripted to appear in episodes like Court Martial and The Gallleo Seven, both of which were rewritten to switch her character out. Harlan Ellison, the author who wrote the episode that would become The City On The Edge Of Forever had included Rand in the screenplay, though this was later heavily changed by Gene Roddenberry. While that process would leave a rift between Ellison and Star Trek, Ellison would go on to begin a relationship with Whitney after this.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick