Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Kai Winn

3. Winn And Dukat Were A Sudden, But Brilliant, Decision

Space Karen Kai Winn Star Trek Deep Space Nine Louise Fletcher

Heading into the seventh season, Winn's character was a little adrift. The events of The Reckoning had seen her delay the final battle between the Prophets and the Pah-Wraith, but after that, there wasn't much direction to take her in. It was an off-hand comment by Ira Stephen Behr that set the course for the final episodes of the show.

It's too bad we can't get Winn and Dukat in bed together

Ronald D. Moore would then answer, as though a lightbulb had lit up above him -

Well, why can't we do that?

It was as though everyone in the writing room suddenly stopped, slapping hands to their foreheads, and wondered why they hadn't done it before. The combination of these two characters was the perfect ending for Bajor, and Sisko's, religious arc.

Dukat was the symbol of evil in Deep Space Nine, while Winn was the twisted zealot. Combining them made a formidable team to stand against Sisko - and served as the final battle in the series.

Louise Fletcher recalled the simplicity of some of the final scenes, and joked that her stuntwoman - Patricia Tallman - was certainly sturdier than she, as Fletcher was certain she wouldn't have survived being tossed against a cavern wall herself!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick