Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ro Laren

1. It May Have Taken Thirty Years, But The Final Face-Off Was Worth It

Ro Laren

Imposters gave audiences who had been waiting for that final face-off the catharsis we had all so desperately sought. Commander Ro returns, seemingly taking Picard hostage at one point within the holodeck of the Titan-A. There follows a little back and forth to ensure they each are who they say they are.

With all of that out of the way, seeing thirty years of pain on both Picard and Ro's faces is a devastating moment. Where initially, one might be forgiven for assuming Picard was completely justified in his anger toward her - she did betray Starfleet, in his view - we are quickly shown that Ro has just as much right to feel pain.

Living in the shadow of Picard was one thing, with the weight of his expectations upon her, but then to know that he turned on her completely following her choice to leave - Ro had spent thirty years feeling that heartbreak of having her father figure think so little of her.

Though their time together on the Titan-A is all too brief, their reconciliation is a beautiful, tender moment in an otherwise dark plotline, one that, though short, finally offered fans that final meeting they had wished for.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick