Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ro Laren

7. Disaster Was Out Of Character And Everyone Was Disappointed

Ro Laren

Disaster was Ro Laren's second episode in TNG, and it shared a similar issue to the second episode of The Next Generation, The Naked Now, in that it changed the character too drastically, without any preamble.

The Enterprise is rendered inert, with Troi, O'Brien, and a rapidly decaying officer on the bridge. Ro manages to find her way to the command centre, then immediately sets about disregarding Troi's suggestions, despite the counselor carrying the rank of Lt. Commander, to Ro's Ensign status.

The episode overall is one of the stronger entries in the season, though unfortunately the same can't be said for Ro's depiction. She simply comes off as bullish and belligerent for no good reason, with the entire conflict between her and Troi feeling forced. This is heightened by the fact that Troi is openly courting opinions from the officers and staff who have survived, while Ro simply wants to separate the ship and escape.

Thankfully, Ro would never again be seen acting in this way, as both the audience and the writers, recognised that this was not a version of the character they wanted to revisit.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick