Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Thy'lek Shran

2. He Makes A 1992 Video Game Canon

Shran Star Trek Jeffery Combs Enterprise Andorian
Interplay Entertainment

Despite its prevalence within the realms of television, films and books, Star Trek has a remarkably small footprint when it comes to the world of gaming. Although over 60 games sporting the license have been released over the span of Star Trek's tenure, Star Trek: Online is arguably the only one to have really made a mark on the gaming landscape.

However, somebody on the writing team of Enterprise's season three episode Proving Ground was clearly a fan of the 1992 Star Trek: 25th Anniversary PC game. In the episode, whilst contacting the Xindi in his effort to scan or steal their superweapon, Shran poses as a member of 'The Andorian Mining Consortium'. A seemingly innocuous and throwaway line to all but the most diehard of fans, the Consortium is actually mentioned in the 1992 game as the third-largest private corporation in the Federation.

The name would crop up again online in April 2020, with the Facebook page 'The Andorian Memeing Consortium' sharing Star Trek related memes and boasting over 24,000 followers at the time of writing. Although we can't credit this one to Shran himself, we can't help but think the group may not exist without him keeping the name alive.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.