Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Deanna Troi

1. She Has Appeared In Five Series, Four Films, And On A Stamp

Deanna Troi

One of the most prolific characters of the franchise, Marina Sirtis starred as Troi in The Next Generation and has appeared in Voyager, Lower Decks, Picard, and Enterprise (whatever your thoughts on that last one, it still counts). She is beaten only by Jonathan Frakes as Riker in that regard, who also appeared in the episode Defiant of Deep Space Nine. Sirtis is the only woman to appear as the same character in as many series, however, and she is among great company as one of only six actors to appear in two series’ finales (we’ll let you figure that one out for yourselves). Troi was, of course, in each of the TNG movies.

A recent highlight, aside from Picard, are her appearances in Lower Decks where she is often the foil for the bombastic Riker, his personality now ramped up to the hyperbolic comedy max: "Oh, the jazz". We’re right with you, Deanna!

What you also may not know, unless you’re already a fabulously fidelious philatelist, is that Deanna Troi is one of eighteen characters (including the likes of Janeway, Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Archer, Spock, Reed, Burnham… ) to have been commemorated on a set of UK first class postage stamps in November 2020 as a celebration of Star Trek. You’d be mad to post them, of course, but it would make for some epic snail mail.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.