Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Deanna Troi

2. Marina Sirtis Had A Few Mishaps On Set

Deanna Troi

The character of Deanna Troi was accustomed to witnessing disaster, destruction, and injury. After all, she did, under orders, fly the Enterprise-E at full impulse into the Scimitar. She also unexpectedly found herself in command in an episode quite literally called 'Disaster'. The woman behind the role, Marina Sirtis, equally had a couple of noteworthy accidents on set you might not be aware of.

One on-set mishap befell Sirtis during the filming of Generations. During the battle scene with the Klingons, consoles were blowing up left and right. When Troi goes to replace an injured officer at the Conn, Sirtis actually sat on a piece of debris from the explosions and burnt her bottom. Thankfully, she wasn’t badly hurt, but she apparently did stop to wipe down the seat on the next take, much to the amusement of the cast and crew.

Another such incident occurred during the filming of The Next Generation episode Power Play. In a scene on the surface of the planet, O’Brien, Riker, Data, and Troi are thrown violently backwards by an EM discharge just before they can be beamed back to the ship. Whilst the other three actors had stunt doubles perform this for them, Sirtis wanted to do the stunt herself, with the encouragement of the director. She committed to it so much that, when she landed on her back, she damaged her coccyx and was in pain for months. Fair play to her! A couple of rounds of Frère Jacques won’t make you forget that.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.