Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Deanna Troi

3. We Don't Know Much About Picard Season Three, But Troi Will Be In It "A Lot"

Deanna Troi
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Warning: (very minor) spoilers ahead!

Troi was often side-lined in The Next Generation as the 'Captain-they're-hiding-something' character. Worse, in the films Sirtis was relegated to almost a bit-part role. The actress has admitted that she was often "decorative," but was ultimately "fine" with that, wishing nonetheless that she had suggested more storylines (particularly between other women) for Troi to the writers. In an interview for the Blu-ray release of the films, Sirtis also laments that she tried and failed to "make Troi funny" during TNG’s run to the point where she even asked her agent only to find her dramatic roles after the series’ end. Fortunately, she was delighted with the now legendary 'drunk scene' in First Contact and changed her mind about doing comedy.

What we can say, with the limited amount of information we have, is that Troi will have a big part to play in the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard. In the words of Sirtis herself, during a Red Carpet News interview, "We are in it. We are in it, a lot!" The actress also stated that, having felt "discarded" by Nemesis, the cast was "cherished" on Picard. And, whilst executive producer Terry Matalas has ominously warned us that the "safety [of the characters] [is] not guaranteed" in season three, Sirtis says she would gladly return to the role in another spin-off. Death of a character is certainly no hindrance in any case, especially with the multiple time periods of the shows.

Aaaand, Temporal Investigations has just arrived…

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.