Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Garak

1. Resolutions

Star Trek Garak Obsidian Order

For What You Leave Behind, Robinson was satisfied with how Garak's arc played out. The mission to help the Cardassian Liberation Front, working with Damar, and his return from exile all see fruition here - including the murder of Weyoun.

First, Robinson was delighted that so many storylines were properly brought to a close. Garak was home, and it was crucial that, for this scene in particular, he was joined by Bashir. As Robinson said, Garak had a low opinion of the Federation - not because of what they do, but because of the naive view they still had of the universe. This is exemplified in Bashir's well-meaning, yet hollow, words of comfort.

Garak was able to focus his disdain not on the person but on the uncertainty of things.

One thing that was certain, to Ira Stephen Behr at least, was the murder of Weyoun. He described him as a killer - not a torturer, not a diplomat, but a cold killer. Having him shoot Weyoun, proving to be the final death of the Dominion War at that point, was the perfect exploration of this theme.

Though Garak continues to expand via the novels and other tie-media, Robinson has said that if that were the last time he played Garak, he felt they had done the character justice, and that he had always been the perfect, simple, tailor that he set out to be.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick