Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Geordi's VISOR

4. Geordi Almost Gave The VISOR Up For Love

Geordi Visor

We first saw Ensign Sonya Gomez in the Next Generation episode Q Who, when she accidentally spilled her drink on Captain Picard. She later appeared in the episode Samaritan Snare, then, years later, in the Lower Decks episode First First Contact as a Captain. However, her role in the show was originally planned to be much bigger.

The writers had plans to make Gomez into a new love-interest for La Forge. They wanted a reason to have Geordi undergo a dangerous surgery to replace his VISOR with something more natural, so the idea was that the two would start to get closer, eventually leading to a romance, and Geordi would decide to go through with the surgery in order to 'see her beauty' through Human eyes.

The writers soon decided that Geordi and Sonya were not meant to be (likely because they gave the actors no indication that their characters were supposed to be into each other), and so, Geordi never had a reason to risk his life to see naturally.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.