Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Geordi's VISOR

3. VISOR Live Video Feeds

Geordi Visor

VISOR's could actually be linked to a computer, which could generate a live video feed of the device's point of view onto a screen. This may seem like a cool ability to have for the Enterprise crew, but it was actually a major security issue.

In Star Trek: Generations and the episode The Mind's Eye (which we'll talk about again in a moment), Geordi was captured, and unknowingly had his VISOR linked to his captors computers. This allowed the Klingons to learn the Enterprise's shield modulation in Generations and helped the Romulans monitor Geordi in The Mind's Eye.

Some fans even theorise that these two events are actually what inspired Geordi to switch to ocular implants after Generations, as they had no external interfaces which could be used to hack them like the VISOR. Having someone else spy on him through his own eyes on two occasions has got to be pretty traumatic.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.