Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Guinan

1. The Nexus Was The Cause Of Her Extra Senses

Guinan Whoopi Goldberg Star Trek Next Generation TNG Picard
Paramount PIctures

Star Trek: Generations opens with the daring rescue, by the Enterprise-B, of two El-Aurian ships trapped in the Nexus energy ribbon. Though both ships are destroyed, the Enterprise does manage to beam out 47 survivors - including Guinan herself. Though, as the film reveals, she leaves part of herself behind.

The Nexus exists outside of known space and time. In the novel Engines Of Destiny by Gene DeWeese, released in 2005, it is revealed that this state in which part of Guinan exists is the cause of her extra-sensory feelings.

Though this may have been a retcon of what had previously been known about the character, it adds depth to what the audience had seen. Guinan has, to date, been the only El-Aurian displayed as knowing when things are amiss on a temporal level. Yesterday's Enterprise and Redemption both show Guinan having knowledge of other timelines, though without clear detail. 

This addition to the character's lore only serves to deepen what had already been shown, helping to raise Guinan from an already impressive to nigh legendary status in Star Trek's history. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick