Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Gul Dukat
8. Dukat's Father Was In The Cardassian Judicial System

Whilst seemingly antagonistic towards basically everyone at some point, few characters inspired such a consistent and white-hot ire from Dukat as the exiled Cardassian Garak.
Prior to his exile aboard Deep Space Nine, Garak had been a high-ranking official within the Obsidian Order, Cardassia's clandestine intelligence agency. It was here that he began his long-standing animosity with Dukat as, for reasons unknown, he was instrumental in the arrest, torture, and execution of Dukat's father.
As with many things involving the Obsidian Order, or Garak in particular, details on these events are sketchy, hidden, or altogether contradictory. Canonically we know next to nothing about Dukat's father, other than Garak's assertion of him being 'short-sighted'. However, according to a line cut from third season episode 'The Die Is Cast', the Gul's late father was once referred to as 'Justice Procal', suggesting a role in the prominent but altogether unfair Cardassian judicial system.
Much like his son, it's unclear if the 'Procal' of this deceased father refers to his first name or part of a title, but it's safe to say that few facts from this shady arrest will be forthcoming. All we have to go on is his defence whilst on trial; that his 'foolishness outweighed [his] patriotism'.