Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Gul Dukat

7. Dukat Was A Legate...Briefly

Gul Dukat Sisko Baseball DS9 Deep Space Nine Star Trek

Within the Cardassian military, there are three main roles which define an officer's position and rank. At the bottom rung of this ladder are the Glinns, who effectively serve as first officers, but are occasionally tasked with menial tasks such as cleaning the biological remnants of explosive decompression. Next are the Guls, who command starships, space stations and act as military governors or leaders of the Orders within Cardassian Central Command. Above even these ranks are the Legates; the highest ranking officials within the Central Command who oversee entire military operations within the Empire.

For the majority of his run on DS9, Dukat assumed the role of a Gul; serving as Prefect of Bajor, commanding the Prakesh and playing a major role in relations between Cardassia and The Federation. Although barely discernible to the audience, following the revolution and the establishment of the Detapa council, Dukat briefly took on the role of Legate; evidenced by his new insignia but never specifically mentioned onscreen.

Dukat would lose his new title following the revelation of his half Bajoran daughter Ziyal, but rejected his previous prestige during his alliance with The Dominion, preferring the more 'hands on' and 'less pretentious' air that this middling rank projects.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.