Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Gul Dukat

6. Dukat Named His Bird Of Prey After A Lost Love

Gul Dukat Sisko Baseball DS9 Deep Space Nine Star Trek
Paramount Pictures

Following his legitimisation of Tora Ziyal, his daughter from an affair with a Bajoran woman, Dukat rapidly falls out of favour with The Detapa Council, his own family and Cardassian society as a whole. Demoted from his prestigious role of Legate, and forced into command of a lowly freighter, Dukat's humiliation seems complete when he is denied action in the Klingon war, reduced instead to menial courier duties.

Dukat's fortunes would shift, however, when a routine escort mission with Kira Nerys turns into a tense battle with a Klingon Bird of Prey, resulting in the capture of the Klingon vessel, the transport of its crew onto Dukat's freighter, and their subsequent deaths as a vengeful Dukat blasts the ship to pieces.

Ignoring The Detapa Council's orders to return the ship to Cardassia for study, Dukat instead launches a one man guerrilla war against the invading Klingons. Whilst not stated in-universe, Star Trek Fact Files suggest that Dukat used this ship in his negotiations with The Dominion, allowing them to study Klingon technology in preparation for their invasion. The non-canon customisable card game would shed further light on this renegade vessel, revealing that Dukat named it Naprem, in honour of Ziyal's late mother.

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.