Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Harry Mudd

4. He Was An Importer Of Klingon Coffee

Harry Mudd

It's a well-known fact that Deep Space Nine runs on raktajino, which is Klingon coffee. There's a recipe for it in the Star Trek cookbook, and visitors to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas could order one from the cafe. It's described as an "aged java" in the cookbook, which recommends mixing French and Italian coffee beans.

However, it's less widely known that Harry Mudd was actually responsible for importing the Klingon beverage to if not the entire galaxy, then at least DS9. The art department responsible for designing the various props for Star Trek's iconic space station also designed a bottle for the Klingon coffee to be displayed behind the bar at Quark's. It has a couple of in-jokes and easter eggs on it, one of which sheds light on one of Mudd's businesses.

The bottle displays the legend: "Imported by Harcourt Mudd". Given that nobody knows what raktajino is when the DS9 crew travel back to the 23rd century, it's clear that Harry Mudd isn't in the coffee business yet. It's, therefore, more likely that after the Klingon war ended, Mudd set up a new - possibly even legitimate - business venture exporting Klingon coffee to the Federation.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.