Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Harry Mudd

3. There Was Almost A Third Harry Mudd Story

Harry Mudd

Harry Mudd's popularity almost led to a third appearance in an episode called Deep Mudd, written by Harry's creator Steven Kandel. It would have seen Harry Mudd battle the Enterprise crew on a planet with a treacherous surface of molten mud. Which is exactly the sort of knowing plotline you would expect from a third outing.

Deep Mudd was planned as a direct sequel to I, Mudd which ended with Harry stranded on his planet of seductive androids. The con artist was held up as a human failure from which the androids could learn. He's also - in an example of classic 1960s family-friendly sexism - is stranded with multiple android copies of his ex-wife.

In his conniving to leave the planet, Mudd gets hold of an incredibly powerful cache of weapons that buys him passage on a ship full of space pirates. It all goes spectacularly wrong, of course. The third Mudd story wasn't to be, however, as actor Roger C Carmel was contracted to a feature film. Not only that but Gene Roddenberry was firmly against space pirates in his utopian future.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.