Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Kira Nerys

9. Kira May Hate Garak, But Behind The Scenes, Things Were A Bit More Loving

Starfleet Kira Nery Nana Visitor Star Trek DS9 Deep Space Nine

The end of Deep Space Nine's fourth season saw Kira suddenly inherit a surprise - the O'Briens' baby boy, nestled warmly in her womb. There was, of course, a very pressing real-world reason for this - Nana Visitor was then pregnant with her second son, this one with Alexander Siddig.

The storyline explained the baby bump nicely, with a joke or two thrown in for good measure - such as Kira telling Bashir her condition was his fault. Their son, Django El Tahir El Saddig, was born in 1996.

On-screen, Kira and Garak were almost always at odds, though in real life, their relationship was a lot warmer. Andrew Robinson is godfather to Django, which is not only a lovely thing to know, but the very unusual combination of Bashir, Garak, Kira, and the O'Briens...sort of helps this make sense in-universe as well!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick