Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Kira Nerys

5. Kira, Dukat, And Odo, Too

Starfleet Kira Nery Nana Visitor Star Trek DS9 Deep Space Nine
CBS Media Ventures

The second season episode Necessary Evil was both an excellent stand-alone episode and one of the first depictions of how dark Deep Space Nine was going to go. The story, told in both contemporary and flashback, reveals Kira murdered a Bajoran collaborator during the occupation, Vaatrick Drasa.

The Star Trek: Terok Nor novel Dawn Of The Eagles expands on the story, adding more machinations from Gul Dukat (naturally). While the episode focuses entirely on Odo's investigation, and discovery of the truth, the novel reveals that Dukat had not only been aware of the truth but had in fact leaked the information to Kira in an attempt to lure her to the station.

Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night depicted Dukat's relationship with Kira Meru, Nerys's mother. Following her death in 2353, he attempted to keep a close eye on her children. He was thwarted from keeping Kira Nerys aboard the station by Odo, who had taken sympathy on her, and his aide, Gaten Russol, who smuggled her off the station - killing Dukat's personal assistant, Basso Tromack, in the process.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick