Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Nog

That gorgeous little Ferengi changed the game for alien species in Starfleet.

Star Trek Nog
CBS Media Ventures/Shout!

Nog, played by Aron Eisenberg across all seven seasons of Deep Space Nine, is easily one of the most important supporting characters in the Star Trek franchise. He appears in the first and final episodes of DS9, has been honoured in Discovery and Star Trek Online, and won the hearts of audiences early on.

Eisenberg played the role with earnest mischief in the beginning, before developing Nog into a nuanced, passionate character who would ultimately serve as the true heart of the Dominion War and its effect on the young.

Eisenberg passed away in 2019, though he was remembered by the franchise. Star Trek: Discovery featured the USS Nog, which was an Eisenberg-class ship. Star Trek Online hosted a vigil where players could come together and remember the man who brought this honest Ferengi to life. 

Before diving into the details on Nog, first I want to thank Clive Burrell for his invaluable input on this article as well. That said, when reading on - take everything here with a pinch of salt. As the 190th Rule of Acquisition states: Hear All, Trust Nothing.

10. His Mother Almost Appeared On Screen

Star Trek Nog
CBS Media Ventures

Nog's mother was Prinadora, who was only ever spoken about and never seen on-screen. In Nog's backstory, she left the family when he was still a baby, but only after her father managed to swindle Rom out of his money.

Love really is overrated on Ferenginar.

However, an unfilmed plot for the sixth season episode Change Of Heart would have seen her arrive on Deep Space Nine, trying to win Rom back. Though the episode would go on to focus on Worf and Dax, this plot did find life - at the conventions.

Lolita Fatjo, who had previously been a pre-production associate on the final two seasons of The Next Generation, and was once engaged to Max Grodénchik, performed - alongside, Grodénchik, Aron Eisenberg and Chase Masterson - the 'Ferengi Family Hour', where she played Prinadora. This includes the scene from Change Of Heart so, in a way, she is the closest thing to Nog's birth mother that the audience has seen to date! 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick