Star Trek: 10 Things You Never Knew About Enterprise

2. There Is A Myth That The Ninth Doctor Was Going To Appear On The Show

Star Trek Enterprise
BBC Studios

During production of The End of Time, Russell T. Davies and David Tennant's final offering as a pair on Doctor Who, the former showrunner was interviewed about his time on the series. He was specifically asked if there was anything he didn't get to do that he regretted later on.

I would have loved to have done a Star Trek crossover. The very first year, we talked about it. Then Star Trek finally went off air. Landing the Tardis on board the Enterprise would have been magnificent. Can you imagine what their script department would have wanted, and what I would have wanted? It would have been the biggest battle.

This led fans into a craze, wondering if there had ever been plans for Christopher Eccleston to appear on the bridge of the Enterprise. However, Davies later clarified that the 'we' in the quote was somewhat out of context. The 'we' he was referring to was all in-house writing staff i.e. in the BBC, and most definitely not on the Paramount lot.

That meant that, despite how cool it would have been to hear one of the most familiar sounds in all of SciFi appearing on the bridge, this was simply a whim of Davies, breaking the hearts of every fan who wanted a crossover.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick