Star Trek: 10 Ways The Romulan Supernova Impacted The Multiverse

7. Resigned To The Swear Jar

Supernova Romulans Picard Spock Elnor Starfleet Star Trek Picard 2009
CBS Media Ventures

Kathryn Janeway's gardening plans had been interrupted by events outside of her control before. Now, galactic happenings had dragged her from the (vine-ripened Talaxian) tomatoes and out of retirement. If Janeway chose to return after the Mars Attack, steadfast in her resolve that Starfleet must continue to uphold its core principles and maintain the Romulan evacuation, another Admiral had an entirely different response — he offered his resignation.

To be fair to Picard, he wasn't left with much of an alternative. Starfleet had made up its mind and was Oh-so-under-the-influence. Picard had spearheaded the evacuation efforts, but it wasn't up to him to replicate 10,000 new ships out of his industrial backside! He was guilty, however, of leaving those around him to pick up the pieces whilst he sat back at the Château until nearly the next century.

The one left behind in particular was Commander Raffaela Musiker. Treated like nothing more than a nuisance conspiracy theorist, even though she was right about the Zhat Vash/Tal Shiar, Raffi fell into drug and alcohol addiction, became a stranger to her son and husband, and was discharged from Starfleet, resigned to a life at Vasquez Rocks until J.L popped back up into her life again. "Sheer f**king hubris," to quote Clancy? Perhaps. The swear jar was certainly full that season, but then such a shift in gravity from the supernova was always going to produce a shift in tone.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.