Star Trek: 10 Ways The Romulan Supernova Impacted The Multiverse

6. School's Out For More Than Summer

Supernova Romulans Picard Spock Elnor Starfleet Star Trek Picard 2009
CBS Media Ventures

If you want children to stop beating the living Tsunkatse out of each other and make friends, 92,141 people (plus two parents) have to die. Perhaps I misread the message of Children of Mars, but either way, it was via the fisticuffs between Kima (an Akoszonam) and Lil (human), students at a San Francisco boarding school, that we first learnt of the 'rogue synth' attack. 

When Admiral Janeway was at school, First Contact Day used to be a holiday. Presumably no longer, as classes also looked to be in full session at Starfleet Academy when the news broke about Mars in Ouroboros, Part II. Campus stood still to watch. The cadets got one indefinite day off in the aftermath — "all classes were suspended until further notice." Not for over a hundred years this time, at least!

Starfleet was reeling. There weren't even enough new combadges to go around, some having to revert back to their 2370s (Voyager/DS9) model, creating a veritable cosplayer's conundrum when combined with the two styles of uniform. All Starfleet operations were "scaled back," exploration was halted in favour of planetary protection, and the Protostar became a class of one. There's always hope in the darkest of times, however, and it came numbered seven (a good omen for Star Trek). For the newest ensigns aboard the USS Prodigy, school was not out, but out there.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.