Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Captain Picard Has Ever Done

1. After Defending Data’s Rights As A Sentient Being, Opposes His Right To Procreate

Star Trek TNG Next Generation Preemptive Strike Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Though we know that Picard did, in fact, do the right thing in the end here, The Offspring shows a surprising side to him. Consider the episode The Measure Of A Man, where Picard passionately advocates for Data’s right to be treated as any other sentient officer in the fleet, winning the day with his speech. 

One would think, then, that he would never question Data’s right to autonomy, yet when Data returns to the ship with Lal, Picard is aghast. The argument is presented, initially, that Picard doesn’t truly believe Data understands the enormity of his actions in creating Lal. Data responds, emotionless as he is, that all he has done was father a child - something that anyone aboard the ship would have the right to do, without needing the permission of their Captain, or Starfleet. 

Picard continues his position, but is quickly swayed. Perhaps it is best to view this event as a minor slip, or an example of old prejudices popping back up without warning. We all, conscious or not, have them. It is our lot in life to attempt to grow beyond them. Picard certainly did, even if it was a rocky road to get there.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick