Star Trek: 10 WORST Things Captain Picard Has Ever Done

3. Abandoned Laris

Star Trek TNG Next Generation Preemptive Strike Picard
CBS Media Ventures

In the second season of Star Trek: Picard, it was revealed that Zhaban, one of the two former Tal Shiar agents who elected to live and work with Picard in the years following the supernova, had died. While the show barely lingered on this information for a moment, it effectively set the scene for Picard and Laris to begin a romantic engagement. It was a bit stop-start, but by the season’s closing, it was clear that they were intent on making a go of things.

The third season then revealed that Picard was finally leaving France and moving to Chalnok IV, at long last accepting his retirement, ready to settle down with Laris. Although, that isn’t exactly what happened in the end. While they parted amicably, with the promise that Picard would join Laris once his current crisis was averted, there was something quite knowing in how she accepted this. It would be the last time that Laris was seen on-screen.

We don’t want to be too harsh on Picard here. Beverly Crusher was calling and she badly needed his help. This was more than just ‘one last adventure’ as this was family - even if at that point he didn’t know how true that was. The true issue here is how quickly he elected to leave Laris and run back to his old life. He then doesn’t mention her again, nor do any of his actions suggest he has returned to Chalnok to see her.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick