Star Trek: 12 Biggest Losses Starfleet Ever Faced
2. The Loss Of Vulcan

The Star Trek 2009 film features the loss of the home-world of one of the Federation's founders. Nero, the mad Romulan who had travelled from the future to wreak vengeance on Spock. uses the mining equipment on his ship to drill to Vulcan's core, launching deadly Red Matter to create a black hole.
There is nothing that can be done to help the planet, despite the ships that are sent by Starfleet to help them. While the film opted for action over some character development, the scene as the Enterprise comes out of warp to find the desolation of the armada is a chilling moment. The Constitution Class ship almost collides with the wreckage of the other vessels, before being quickly overpowered by the Narada.
It was a cold moment in the film, one that showed the crew of the Enterprise, and the rest of the Federation, that Nero had power they could only dream of at this point.