Star Trek: 12 Subplots That Went Nowhere

1. The Temporal Cold War

Worf Star Trek Alexander

Included in the series at the behest of the United Paramount Network (aka UPN), the Temporal Cold War arc cropped up in twelve episodes throughout Star Trek: Enterprise's first three seasons, before being abruptly concluded in the fourth season premiere, "Storm Front, Part II".

That decision was made by freshly installed showrunner Manny Coto who stated he believed Enterprise relied too heavily on time travel in its earlier seasons and that "everything that had been said about the Temporal Cold War had already been said." The final appearance of Silik and Daniels in "Storm Front, Part II" was a resolution of sorts, with lip service being paid to the Temporal Cold War ending and the timeline being repaired by Archer the crew of the NX-01, but questions still remained.

And, more importantly, more stories remained, if only to tell us what was even going on in the Temporal Cold War. What was up the Suliban? Who was the mysterious Future Guy?

Again, non-canon Star Trek literature has since filled in the gaps and co-creator Brannon Braga has since outlined his belief that Archer was the one calling the shots, but the Temporal Cold War subplot fizzled before it got hot.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).