Star Trek: 20 Characters Who Bored Us Senseless

9. Kasidy Yates

strangebefellows_122 Poor Sisko, not only has he got to deal with being an Emissary to the Bajoran people, he€™s got the Dominion threatening to invade the Alpha Quadrant, the Cardassians are being a general pain in the butt and to top it off, his girlfriend is smuggling goods to the Marquis whilst being incredibly dull at the same time. Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald) was introduced to Sisko by Jake who thought it was about time that his father relaxed a bit and found a new squeeze. Unfortunately, Jake found a lady that was just as dull as himself. But love blossomed and the two got it on until Sisko found out she was a Marquis sympathizer and had her arrested. Thankfully it meant she was off the show for a while as she served jail time, but like a bad smell, she crept back into the series and Sisko and Kasidy rekindled their relationship. A bit too wholesome and €˜€™wide-eyed€™€™ good to like or care about, Kasidy became a semi regular character that served little purpose other than hanging of the arm of the Captain. It didn€™t help that Penny Johnson Jerald played the part with as much life as you would find in a damp dish cloth. Most entertaining moment: Looking at Sisko and smiling.

8. Ambassadors on Nimbus 3

tffhd1753 Granted, William Shatner€™s feature directing debut, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier has it€™s fair share of issues, but it€™s no where near the disaster that most people label it as. It€™s also the closest original crew movie in spirit to the Original Series. On Nimbus 3, the planet of ''galactic peace,'' three ambassadors meet and they represent the Alpha Quadrant's three biggest players. The Federation is represented by Sir John Talbot (David Warner), the Klingons are represented by General Korrd (Charles Cooper) and the Romulans are unfortunately represented by the worst Romulan (and actress) ever seen in Star Trek, Caithlin Dar (Cynthia Gouw) Their main job is to be held hostage by Sybok so he can use them as a bargaining chip to hijack a ship. Once on the Enterprise, they stand on the bridge with very little to do, but do get a little animated once the ship reaches the planet beyond the Great Barrier. Out of the three, David Warner, who is always excellent, does the best job with the material. Charles Cooper mainly grunts and acts drunk but the biggest raspberry is Cynthia Gouw. Acting with all the conviction of a drama student, Gouw obviously had no idea what a Romulan was or how to act like one. It appears all three did have a more substantial role in the early drafts of the script but like almost everything that was planned, it was cut due to budget restraints. Most entertaining moment: David Warner.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.