Star Trek: 6 Romulans Who Would Have Hated Unification (And 6 Who Wouldn't)
The coming together of two galactic juggernauts; but not everyone would be thrilled.

Star Trek Discovery hit a landmark moment with the recent Unification III as part of its time-jumping third season.
The "What If... ?" scenario, initially broached in The Next Generation's seminal Unification two-parter, had come to fruition after 29 years. The Romulans, displaced due to the destruction of their homeworld, had finally reunited with their Vulcan cousins.
Some redecorating clearly ensued sometime after the events of Star Trek Picard's first season and the 32nd Century, including renaming Vulcan to Ni'Var. Many of the old customs were still honoured on the shared planet and the Vulcans themselves had started to loosen their grip on observance of their ways. No more catchy phrases, just logic.
The audience's past experiences with the Romulans suggests that the shift in mindset would not have been an overnight decision, nor would it have been welcomed by everyone. Would reunification have still been on the cards even if the Hobus supernova hadn't happened?
Through the series, fans have come to know, hate and admire many Romulan characters yet would there have been distinct for and against votes and who would choose which path?
12. Senator Cretak

Cretak is a political dynamo and force to be reckoned with. In the two instances we meet her, the Senator is only matched in one by Colonel Kira.
Acting as a representative for the Empire on Deep Space Nine, Cretak fully supported the alliance with the Federation and the Klingons to win the Dominion War. As such this might have been one of the reasons for her later fall from grace. She wasn't without typical Romulan traits either, covering up a military installation on a Bajoran moon as a hospital for one and placing the fragile alliance on a knife-edge.
The second time the audience encounters her, Cretak is entrapped by an unsuspecting Doctor Bashir who has been, unknowingly, working for Section 31. For their own ends they are maneuvering a candidate they favour into the Senate, but after her clear agreement to the Dominion War Alpha Quadrant alliance, perhaps she was seen as a viable threat to the balance of power.
Cretak would see the reunification with the Vulcans as an opportunity to build further alliances for the Empire, especially if she were to have seen the state of the Empire following the Hobus event.