Star Trek: 6 Romulans Who Would Have Hated Unification (And 6 Who Wouldn't)

2. Ambassador Nanclus

Spock Picard

"There has never been a better time," noted the Romulan ambassador to Earth in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In one sentence we knew this was an opportunist; someone who would be looking out to make it big.

For him, war was (in a very Ferengi sort of way) the more profitable course of action when it came to keeping the Klingons and the Federation apart. He would be one of the first to point out the errors in rejoining with their long lost cousins since conflict was good for business. His interests were to keep the Klingons and Federation apart which, in turn, would mean the Empire had a divided front rather than a larger galactic power to be confront.

In league with General Chang and Admiral Cartwright, he formed the third part of a shady galactic triumvirate that bizarrely showed the great powers could work together - but only to keep them all apart. Nanclus is a clever so and so, not directly getting his hands dirty. It's only through the mindmeld that his deceit is revealed. He'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling Vulcans...

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A Star Trek fan from birth, I love to dive into every aspect of the franchise in front and behind the screen. There's something here that's kept me interested for the best part of four decades! Now I'm getting back into writing and using Star Trek as my first line of literary attack. If I'm not here on WhatCulture then you're more than welcome to come and take a look at my blog, Some Kind of Star Trek at or maybe follow me on Twitter as @TheWarpCore. Sometimes I force myself not to talk about Star Trek.