Star Trek: Alternate Reality Uniforms Ranked Worst To Best

1. Alternate Future (23rd Century)

Monster Maroon uniform Star Trek Strange New Worlds Movies
CBS Media Ventures

When Admiral Pike stood up in A Quality Of Mercy, this writer let out an audible whoop, for the Monster Marroons had returned. This version of Pike, via the handy Klingon time crystals on Boreth, goes back in time to prevent his younger self from altering altering history. It makes sense in the episode.

Bernadette Croft designed a beautiful new refit of the classic movie uniforms. They skew closer to the updated Original Series designs for Strange New Worlds, while still clearly retaining the look of those films. 

The rank insignia remain largely the same, and the ludicrously warm undershirts remain in place. The flap is slightly lower than those seen on Kirk & co, with a longer shoulder strap to hold it in place. 

These designs also now bear the delta patterning seen on the rest of the SNW uniforms, an addition that brings both eras closer together. In terms of updating an existing look, this is easily one of the best designs that has been created for Star Trek.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick