Star Trek: Alternate Reality Uniforms Ranked Worst To Best

3. All Good Things/The Visitor/Endgame

Monster Maroon uniform Star Trek Strange New Worlds Movies
CBS Media Ventures

The uniforms introduced in ...All Good Things would influence several of the alternate timelines going forward. The two-tone style of The Next Generation was retained, though a flap seemingly-inspired by the Monster Maroons was added. These were first seen aboard the USS Pasteur, designed by Robert Blackman.

When another version of the future was glimpsed in The Visitor, Nog, Dax, and Bashir were all seen wearing these variants. O'Brien was also meant to appear, although Colm Meaney was unavailable for filming.

These uniforms would make another appearance in Endgame, featuring the first new Admiral variant (Riker had worn a more contemporary uniform in ...All Good Things) as worn by Janeway. These uniforms would serve to inspire those seen in the first and second seasons of Star Trek: Prodigy, along with the combadge seen here as well.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick