Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 10 Best Episodes

6. "Rocks And Shoals" (Season 6)

Summary: Sisko and his crew crash land their stolen Jem'Hadar ship on an alien planet, and soon discover that a group of Jem'Hadar has also crash landed there and only have one vial of ketracel-white (a narcotic that turns them into fiercely loyal warriors, but will put them in rage-inducing withdrawals if they don't get their daily dose). At the same time as this conflict is unfolding, Kira works side-by-side with the Dominion on the station, and finds she can no longer lead her life as a collaborator. Why It's Great: The first six episodes of the sixth season of Deep Space Nine told a tightly serialized arc, which was a narrative experiment for the Star Trek franchise, but one that would pay off in dividends. By my estimation, at least four of these episodes are among the best the series ever made, but the best of the bunch is "Rocks and Shoals." Phillip Morris may be best known for his work as Jackie Chiles on Seinfeld, but in his role as the Jem'Hadar leader, Remata'Klan, he shows that his dramatic chops are just as excellent. His performance, along with the stark cinematography of the bleak rock quarry location, make the Jem'Hadar's final suicide attack one of the most memorable €“ and tragic €“ sequences in the series. The most powerful moment in the episode, however, comes from Kira's storyline aboard the station, when her complacency is interrupted by the public suicide of a Bajoran Vedek, who hangs herself in front of Kira and dozens of others on the Promenade. It remains a truly shocking moment.

Michael is one of the founders of FACT TREK (, a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He currently is the Director of Sales and Digital Commerce at Shout! Factory, where he has worked since 2014. From 2013-2018, he ran the popular Star Trek Fact Check blog (