Star Trek Deep Space Nine Feature Length Episodes: Ranked

1. The Way Of The Warrior

Star Trek Deep Space Nine What You Leave Behind

The ending of the third season of Deep Space Nine sets up the imminent Dominion invasion. Odo is informed that the Changelings have already infiltrated the Alpha Quadrant and the stage is set for the following season to focus on this. However, the producers asked the showrunners to slow things down a bit and so season four kicks off with The Way of The Warrior, wherein Commander Worf takes on his posting at DS9.

This was the first episode to air after Star Trek Generations and bringing Worf into the main cast was a stroke of genius. It brought a greater unity to the franchise while also opening the door to some of the most excellent stories featuring the Klingon Empire. This episode also introduces Martok, who may or may not be a changeling (he is).

But what's more - it gave the audience a reason to believe that DS9 could very much hold its own against an attacking force. The siege of the station is a fantastic setpiece that would be hard to top, but the episode does not sacrifice story for spectacle. Literally everything about this episode works. Bald Captain Sisko? Check. Garak and Dukat fighting side by side? Check. Kira taking a knife to the gut and still beating the Klingons? Check.

A marvellous season opener and the strongest feature length episode of Deep Space Nine, The Way of the Warrior is essential viewing for any fan of the franchise, old or new.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick