Star Trek: Discovery - 12 Easter Eggs You Need To See

1. The Balance Of Terror

The Balance of Terror is one of Star Trek: TOS' best remembered episodes. It marked the introduction of the Romulens into Trek canon, and provided a story where each and every crew member of the Enterprise was placed in jeopardy. Granted only the red shirts came out worse for wear, but still, Decius and his merry band of Vulcan-haters provided a threat few Star Trek villains could match at that point.

Anywho, the plot of that episode, in which the Enterprise investigates a Federation outpost damaged by an unknown assailant only to be attacked by a cloaked Romulan vessel, is very much mirrored in Discovery. The USS Shenzhou encounters a damaged piece of equipment, the crew investigates and later stumbles upon a band of cloaked Klingon vessels. Much like the original episode, T'Kuvma takes on the role of a war-hungry agitator, determined to reignite a conflict with the Federation just as Decius wished.

The nods are both literal and thematic here, with Burnham also somewhat echoing the role Lieutenant Stiles had to play in that episode too, as the cynic determined to forego Federation protocol.

Balance of Terror edges ahead in that it's both more significant and better than The Vulcan Hello, but, in any case, Discovery's decision to echo that episode was a really clever one.

Were there any other easter eggs we missed from Discovery's premier? Let us know in the comments below!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.