Star Trek: Discovery - 12 Easter Eggs You Need To See

5. The Graphics From The Credits

Star Trek: Discovery Opening

So, not only does Discovery have a great opening theme, but a great opening sequence too. It might not feature starships blazing through the galaxy, or even a phaser blast or two, but again - like the theme - it fits the tone of the show; it's a literal schematic for what will follow.

The opening titles showed off a whole bunch of iconography from the original series, with dilithium crystals, communicators, phasers, Vulcan symbology and all different kinds of Klingon weaponry all popping into frame at some point. More interesting than that, however, was the ending graphic, which contained a nod far more significant than a crystal (or two).

Throughout the credits, Federation, Vulcan and Klingon imagery all mix. At the very end, two hands (one red, one blue) outstretch to symbolise a coming together of sorts, or a meeting of two minds. That's significant, seeing as how Star Trek has and always will be a very humanist show - in that it attacked prejudice in all its forms - so it makes for the perfect note to end the intro on.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.