Star Trek: Discovery 3.3 Review - Ups And Downs From People Of Earth

1. Adira Can't Remember Anything - DOWN

Star Trek Discovery

Adira may be human, though they are blended with a Trill symbiont. That is not an issue - we've seen Riker blended with Odan back in The Next Generation. However, it is extremely convenient (for the plot that is) that Adira can't access Tal's memories. Riker had no such issue with Odan.

It is unfortunately a plot device that is a little clunky. This week, it is a down, because of the way that it is simply dropped into the conversation. However, if this leads to either a better explanation (read as: any) in next week's episode, we will reconsider this.

For now, it is a little too in the face of everything the audience knows about the Trill already, so it's a down!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick